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Ao longo dos mais de quarenta anos de atuação, desenvolvemos uma série de projetos de arquitetura em diversos países. Confira, aqui, uma seleção especial desses projetos. Escolha os filtros dois e descubra mais detalhes.
Quem somos
Our passion for architecture and what it is capable of awakening in those who experience their spaces is the motivating source of our office. Within this philosophy, Milanez Arquitetos Associados, through constant research, thorough questioning and detailing, seeks to achieve the aspirations of its customers, integrating aesthetics, functionality and cost of work. Add to all this, responsibility and professional ethics, values that have made us a company with high credibility, partner of its clients.
Add to all this, responsibility and professional ethics, values that have made us a company with high credibility, partner of its clients.
Fale Conosco
E-mail: info@milanez-arquitetos.com.br